Why A Thank-You Email Can Secure The Job

You just rocked an interview for a fantastic new job and you’re on cloud ninecongratulations! Now is, unfortunately, not the time to celebrate and mentally spend your first paycheck. If you want to secure the job, the next step is to write a thoughtful thank-you email.  If it comes down to you and one other candidate, you always want to be the one who took the time to write a note.  

More Than Saying “Thanks For The Interview”

A thank you note is not just a professional courtesy: it is also a chance to stay on the hiring manager’s radar, to reinforce your interest in the position, to demonstrate your follow-through abilities and showcase your written communication skills.  

You can also use a thank you note to provide information you forgot to mention in the interview,  remind the hiring manager of important points and touch briefly on any personal connections you may have made with the hiring manager during the interview like, “Thanks for the tip on that new restaurantI plan on trying it out next week!”  

Tips For Writing a Killer Thank-You Email

There are some rules to follow when sending a thank you email after an interview.  

  • Send the note no later than 48 hours after the interview. In fact, the sooner, the better. You want to make sure your note is timely, especially if they are making a fast decision.  
  • Do not send a generic note. Touch on the specific points that were discussed in your interview. 
  • Send individual notes to everyone you met with. You never know who has the most sway, so address each person individually and send original notes to each, in case they are circulated 
  • Keep it brief. A few short paragraphs will suffice. 
  • Keep it positive. Don’t offer excuses for any weaknesses or skills you lack. Focus on what you bring to the table.  
  • Proofread, proofread, proofread. Your note should be error-free, just like your resume and cover letter. 
  • Be professional.  Email is often an informal means of communication, but keep your thank you email professional and follow the rules of formal letter writing.  

You Sent Your Thank You Email – Now What?

Don’t expect a response to a thank you email. You probably won’t get one and that’s ok. However, it is appropriate to reach out again by email or phone if the deadline for the decision passes and you haven’t heard anything or received an offer.  

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