5 IMPRESSRECRUITERS WITHSOLIDGRAMMAR A resume is you on paper. Sloppy writing is like wearing a wrinkled shirt to an interview. Make sure your resume is free of these deal breakers. Resumes are an essential component of any successful job search. Don’t let a careless typo or misspelling stand between you and your dream job. KEEP IT SIMPLE. Skip the objective or personal statement. Address these topics in your cover letter. AVOID PERSONAL PRONOUNS. Do not use “I,” “he” or “she.” Instead of saying, “I helped manage employee payroll,” state, “Helped manage employee payroll.” USE THE PROPER TENSE. Refer to former jobs in the past tense. If you are currently employed, use present tense. DOUBLE-CHECK SPELLING. Spell check isn’t foolproof. Always manually review spelling to make sure it’s correct and that you’ve chosen the best words. DON’T MISUSE WORDS. Common errors include confusing “to/too/two,” “they’re/there/their” and the improper use of “whose” and “who’s.” USE CORRECT PUNCTUATION. Make sure all commas, apostrophes and semicolons are correctly placed. Also check for awkward sentence construction and run-on sentences. SKIP OVERLY FORMAL WORDS. Formal language can distract readers, making it tougher to engage them and keep them focused on the message. GET PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANCE. A professional resume writing service can provide a second set of eyes and ofer advice and feedback.