5 Steps to Make a Smooth Transition to Your New Career

So, you’re ready to make a career change, but you’re not sure how to do it. Following these 5 steps will help you be prepared to put your best foot forward!

Have a Focus

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5 Steps To Future Career Info graphic

Before making a career change, make sure a change is what you want. Taking the time to truly dissect new options, whether it be with a new company or even a new field of work, is the most important first step.  Knowing exactly what you’re looking for and sticking with it will help you prepare for your transition.

Do Your Research

Once you’ve decided on where you’d like to go with your career, make sure you do your homework. Becoming an expert on your preferred field or company will only help you, and can make the transition process that much easier.

Set S.M.A.R.T Goals

Once you’ve done your research, you need to make sure your plan becomes a reality. Set SMART (S=specific, M=measurable, A=attainable, R=realistic, T=timely) guidelines to properly plan out your transition from your current role to your next.  You want to give yourself ample time to leave your current job and still be able to prepare for your next. If you are transitioning into a new field, giving yourself time to network with new contacts will help you gain insight and leads for a new position.

Tie Up Loose Ends

Once you have decided on a final day for your current job, make sure that you leave with your employer feeling as prepared as possible. Being certain that you leave your employer with the proper tools to get the job done without you will ensure future recommendation. You never know what connections you’ll need, and having contacts you can rely on to put in a good word for you is important.

Start Off Right

Once you start your new job, make an effort to make a great first impression. Know your dress code, and dress appropriately. Get to know your coworkers by eating lunch with them, or inviting them to get coffee sometime. They will be able to provide you with the best insights, and having a friendly relationship with your co-workers helps to increase productivity and happiness at work.


Following this model to changing your career will help get you on the best track for your new role. If you’re ready for a new start, check out http://trnstaffing.wpengine.com/find-your-next-job/ for positions near you!


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