Four Ways to Beat the Sunday Scaries

“I hate Mondays!” cartoons and memes exist for a reason. Even people who love their jobs can dread the start of a new work week, and for many people, that feeling begins on Sunday. Rather than succumbing to the “Sunday Scaries,” use these tips to take back the last day of your weekend to relax rather than stress.

  1. Do something fun.

Ever heard of Sunday Funday? Make it a weekly ritual to do something enjoyable on a Sunday. Whether it’s an outing with friends or family, a rotating potluck dinner or focusing on a hobby, do something that will make you smile and forget about work for a few hours.

Schedule the activity ahead of time, block it off in your calendar and make it non-negotiable. Soon, it will become a habit to take time for you on Sundays. By scheduling an event you’re looking forward to, you’ll stay focused on the moment rather than thinking about the fact that your weekend will soon be over.

  1. Do Your Chores on Friday

A Friday night spent folding laundry or going grocery shopping doesn’t sound like much fun, but it is a great way to eliminate stress and relax the rest of the weekend. Pushing everything to Sunday will make your weekend feel shorter and may increase your stress and anxiety. Whatever your chores are—cleaning, shopping, making your next week to-do list, etc.—get them out of the way as soon as possible. If it is impossible to do your chores Friday night, wake up and get cracking on them Saturday morning so that by lunchtime, you’re ready to relax and recharge.

  1. Make Mondays Better

The Sunday Scaries are a product of anticipatory anxiety. Looking forward to something fun can squash that feeling. Try to schedule something fun or uplifting on Monday like a dinner date, a fun activity with your family, happy hour or an exercise class. Even something as splurging at your favorite coffee shop before work can help extend relaxing and fun weekend vibes into the workweek.

  1. Get a New Job

If you’ve tried to bust the Sunday Scaries but you simply cannot overcome them, or if you wake up on Monday with serious anxiety, the problem could be your job. No job is perfect and even people who love what they do can have a touch of Sunday Blues. However, it is possible to wake up on Monday and not immediately want to call off work.

Looking For A Great New Job?

If you are looking for a great new job that won’t make you want to hide from Mondays, The Reserves Network can help. Browse our current job openings or contact us to learn more today.