Celebrate Achievements at Work for a Confident New Year

The Reserves Network


One major reason that employees quit their jobs is because they don’t feel appreciated at work. In fact, 90% of employees admit that they feel more loyal to employers who recognize their achievements. Celebrating individual and team success is a wonderful way to start the new year on a positive note. What’s more, celebrating accomplishments promotes future success and motivates your employees to perform better.

Honoring wins at work not only boosts employee morale but also helps foster confident attitudes. Celebrate accomplishments consistently and frequently! Scheduling a celebration at work may take time and effort, but it can help the team start the new year in a positive and upbeat frame of mind.


Celebrating with Employees and Colleagues Strengthens Networks

Nothing drives away valuable employees more than lack of recognition. Although it’s easy to get caught up in day-to-day tasks, meetings and emails, taking a few moments to recognize effort can help strengthen workplace networks.

As a manager or employer, you should be proud of team and individual accomplishments; they ultimately boost your bottom line. The proactive steps given below suggest how you can share in the success of your employees this new year:


  1. Create a Consistent System of Celebration Milestones – These include achievements, contributions, ideas, promotions, retirements and even birthdays and work anniversaries.
  1. Celebrate Often – It’s a good idea to plan for smaller celebrations on the way to achieving bigger goals. By encouraging employees to share their success stories, you can inspire others to perform better.
  1. Personalize the Celebration – Remember to thank and congratulate each employee personally for their contribution and acknowledge their achievement in public.
  1. Decide on Small Gifts – Plan ahead and invest in small gifts and tokens of appreciation to mark the occasion.
  1. Order a Few Eats and Drinks – This helps create a fun and festive atmosphere for office celebrations.


Celebrating Employee Accomplishments Fosters Loyalty

Things that may deserve celebration at work could include completing projects milestones, achieving targets, closing deals or breaking records. In addition to sharing insights on success, the new year is a good time to review employee accomplishments. Celebrating with your team members encourages other employees to reflect on their own contributions. Honoring employee achievements helps bolster self-esteem and encourages workers to want to perform better. In short, simply let your people know you don’t take their hard work for granted.

Experienced professionals at The Reserves Network will help you plan ahead and choose the right staffing program for your needs. Contact us today for further details regarding our flexible staffing solutions.


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