Simple and Effective Ways to Follow-Up on a Job Application

The Reserves Network

It can be nerve-wracking to wait for a response after you’ve applied for an open job. Being the first to establish contact can dramatically increase your chances of being hired. Proactively following up will set you apart from the pack.

Here’s how to follow-up on your application without being pushy.


  1. Wait a few days before the first follow-up

It’s a good idea to wait at least a week before following up. If you don’t hear from the recruiter or employer, try providing a second follow-up after another week. Ideally, you shouldn’t exceed one or two follow-ups, each of which should be spaced about a week apart.


  1. Choose email communication over phone calls

Unscheduled, direct phone calls to the HR department or hiring manager are often frowned upon. Email is the best mode of reaching out, since you’ll be able to express your interest while still respecting your contact’s time. Don’t show up person, since it comes across as rude and abrasive.


  1. Be polite, courteous and respectful

Personalize your email and show your interest in a friendly, empathetic manner. Focus on explaining why you are interested rather than simply asking about the status of your application. Also be sure to communicate your enthusiasm and excitement. Spend time researching the company so that you align the tone of your email with the company’s culture.


  1. Demonstrate your value through your follow-up

Read company literature and visit their website to find out their values. Use your follow-up to explain why you are a great fit for the role. Including relevant details will add depth to your follow-up, which is a good way to build a competitive advantage over other applicants. Keep it concise and informative by combining your experience with their job requirements.


  1. Provide a second follow-up

If you haven’t heard anything in a week or more, send a second follow-up. Avoid re-sending the same follow-up that you initially sent, however.  Write a fresh note with a new approach that demonstrates your interest.  Don’t follow up more than twice.

The right follow-up can help you stand out from the rest of the resumes piled up in the hiring manager’s email or desk. Staying positive and keeping your tone upbeat will help you move confidently through the process. Properly-planned follow-ups draw attention to your candidacy and ensure that your application is not overlooked.

At The Reserves Network, we can help you create an effective and impactful resume that’ll increase your chances of being noticed by prospective employers. Contact us today to learn more.


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